Corpus Christi, Texas, August 2, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Out of 73,000 Texas Law Enforcement Officers only 22 of the best qualified to compete. Sixteen DPS Inspectors plus six Police Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies were challenged in the competition.
The event commenced on June 20th, at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, with the activities cumulating on Thursday, June 23rd awards banquet.
"We are an industry that really longs to be what we were in the past. The Knights of the Road. And it's our job today to help illuminate that fact. To highlight the fact that we are, we still are and still can be as we grow. It's a new generation of trucking and it's our job collectively in this room to educate. Educate, Educate, Educate because it does cost lives."
Mr. John Esparza, President and CEO at Texas Trucking Association
The grand champion was Trooper Jeremy Usener, of Colorado City, and Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspector Jose Najera, of El Paso, was the runner-up. In the division open to other law enforcement, the grand champion was Corporal Rommel Garcia of the Houston Police Department, and the runner-up was Officer Greg Parker of the Grand Prairie Police Department.
Usener and Garcia will move on to the 2016 North American Inspectors Championship in Indianapolis from Aug. 8-12.
This year’s 24th annual competition showcases everyday skills of officers in the field. These skills protect the public by increasing the commercial vehicle drivers’ awareness of safety rules and regulations.
Look for the slideshow of activities over the three day event at ATA’s YouTube Channel.
A feature article can be found at the APITLA Logbook. The Lawyer’s Log Book magazine is published (digitally) six times annually, and is the plaintiff lawyer’s resource for their legal practice, focusing on the legal niche of interstate trucking litigation, covered by the finest authors and experts in the country.*The Lawyer’s Log Book Magazine is free to APITLA members. For information about joining APITLA, or subscribing to the magazine, contact Stephanie Golfin at: sgolfin@apitlamerica.com.
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Source: ATA Associates, Inc.